

Nuestro proyecto National Crystallographic ha recibido el premio DINAMIA 2022 en su dimensión europea. Estos premios son otorgados por la Asociación de trabajadores de juventud de Jaén. La dimensión Europea y mundial del proyecto se alcanza en la medida en que el vídeo del proyecto se presenta al concurso mundial de cristalización, en el que un jurado de expertos cristalógrafos de todo el mundo considera que nuestro proyecto es merecedor del primer premio “medalla de oro” en nuestra categoría (alumnado de 11- 15 años). Con este proyecto llevamos muestras cristalizadas del Patrimonio Natural Andaluz a todo el planeta. En el acto se entregaron 21 reconocimientos a distintos proyectos, asociaciones y entidades cuyo objetivo es dinamizar los sectores juveniles de localidades de la provincia. Agradecemos a dicha Asociación de trabajadores de juventud el reconocimiento y los animamos a continuar con esta labor de visibilizar y reconocer estos méritos que giran en torno a la juventud, la base de nuestra sociedad.
 Enlace al vídeo de presentación premios Dinamia 2022:


El pasado 1 de diciembre el centro recibió la medalla de oro que ganamos en el concurso internacional de cristalización: “Crystal Growing Competition 2019”. La entrega de la medalla debió haberse realizado durante el curso pasado, pero debido al confinamiento nos vimos obligados a esperar. Desde el Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (IACT) se ha organizado un evento de entrega de las medallas a nuestro instituto y otros dos centros andaluces que recibieron medalla en otras categorías.

El alumnado pudo visitar las instalaciones del IACT, que es un centro mixto perteneciente al Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Universidad de Granada. Tras la visita guiada disfrutamos de una charla científica sobre la importancia de la cristalización en la lucha contra la COVID y al final del acto recibimos las esperadas medallas y diplomas.


We have just said goodbye to many of the students who began our foray into crystallography when they were in 1st ESO. They have finished 4th ESO and are about to continue their edducation in different centres. We have crystallized for them the initials of their names so that they always remember the experiences that crystallization has given us. Adriana, Alicia, Ángel, Aroa, Carlos, Claudia, Elvira, Irene, Iván, Laura, Marina, María, Mireia, Miriam, Natalia, Sandra, Víctor. We wish you the best!



Due to the Covid-19 situation, the “Parque de las Ciencias” in Granada has organised a live program during its Science Week, in which students from all over Andalusia presented their research projects in the classroom. The event could be viewed in streaming through the museum's official website:

Our young researchers exhibited their work in an extraordinary way, including some parts of the exhibition in English. Here you can enjoy the talk. Congratulations to our students!


The visit of an important crystallographer

Last March we had the great honour of receiving Juan Manuel García Ruiz at our School. He presented the first “Ciclo de Cine Científico” in Alcalá la Real with his film “El Misterio de los Cristales Gigantes” and he answered our questions in a “Café con Ciencia”. Thanks to the “Fundación Desqbre” for the organisation of these two events.

Besides, Juanma, together with the city Mayor, Marino Aguilera, gave us the gold medals that we won in the international contest.

March 2020

Here you can see a video with a summary of the event:


Our Crystals on TV!

We were on the TV program “Andalucía Directo” showing our crystals and explaining the crystallisation process. February 2020.


Our crystals in a local congress

Our teacher Eva presented our projects about crystallisation in the Congress “Alcalá 4”, where different researchers could present their work in a wide range of fields and where our former director, Antonio Heredia Rufián, was honoured. We gave him one of our more beautiful crystals. October 2019.

Recognition act in our School

On June 7, an act of recognition was given to the crystallization projects in our school. The ceremony was attended by representatives of the Andalusian government in education and representatives of the mayor's office. We received our medals for the worldwide award and were given certificates for our achievements. June 2019

A trip to Sevilla

Thanks to the program "Andalucía Profundiza" we were invited to participate in the Science Fair in Seville. We presented our work and shared experiences with other students of Andalusia. June 2019

Our projects in the News and on TV

Our projects have been shown in the Andalusian television news (Canal Sur) and in the "ConCiencia" program of Andalucía TV. March 2019

The X Andalusian Contest "Crystallisation at school"

We won the Second position in the Andalusian Contest, which was hold in Granada. May 2019

The Contest "Crystallisation at school" in Jaen

We won the First position in the contest! April 2019

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                        RECOGIDA PREMIOS DINAMIA 2022 Nuestro proyecto National Crystallographic ha recibido el premio DINAMIA 2022 en s...